one faith

   We preach the Lord Jesus Christ. 

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;

and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake" (2 Cor.4:5).

Jesus died and rose to save YOU.

Jesus loves YOU...and so do we.

In Christ We Live

Delivering unto you the faith "OF" Jesus, which was once (or first) delivered unto the saints in Acts 2. Since that day, lost souls have been coming to, receiving, keeping, and living by the faith "OF" Christ, which is the Christian Faith. Church, God wants us to earnestly contend for (not deny, but earnestly contend for) the faith "OF" our Lord Jesus Christ by PREACHING God's True New Testament Textus Receptus Greek into English Authorized King James Word. For the ONE precious faith "OF" the Son of God cometh by HEARING God's Authorized King James Word, which fully preserves the one precious faith "OF" Jesus Christ (2 Tim.4:2, Rom.10:17, Eph.4:5, Gal.2:20, 3:11, 3:22, 2 Pet.1:1, Jude 1:3, Rev.2:13, 14:12, Authorized King James).​

We unashamedly preach God's Authorized King James Word on the radio, being God's true gospel of Christ that does not deny the one faith of Christ, which is the Christian Faith and "the Faith" that we come to, receive, and keep as our faith to live by (Gal.2:20,3:22). 

the faith of Jesus Christ
King James Bible
the faith of Jesus Christ
the faith of Jesus Christ

God's Preserved Authorized King James Word says faith is the gift from Jesus Christ, the Author of Faith God. Jesus gives His faith spirit (which is the faith of Christ) to unsaved sinners for Christ to author or begin the sinner's saving faith in Christ. Brethren, the faith of Jesus is "the faith" that Christ gave us to keep as our faith in God to live by. For there is only "One Faith" that we can come to, receive, and keep as our faith to live by, which is the one precious faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.  



Textus Receptus
one faith
the faith of Jesus Christ

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom.10:13).

Luke 18:8
Textus Receptus

Beloved, has the Vatican's 1881 onward Vaticanus/Sinaiticus-based no faith of Christ leavened versions deceived you to earnestly DENY the one precious faith of Jesus? Is this enough of their evil fruit for you to follow God's last 100% 

and True New Testament Textus Receptus Greek into English Protestant Bible that's still protesting against all of the 1881 onward Vaticanus/Sinaiticus-based no faith of Christ leavened versions that departed from the faith of Jesus?  

New Faith of Christ Book Published Soon

the faith of Christ
King James Bible
Textus Receptus

Brethren, God's Preserved Word does NOT say I have kept my faith in Jesus; but I have kept the faith of Jesus Christ, being the Lord's same spirit of faith working in and through all of our saved lives by love. This is the victory that overcometh the world, even the one like precious faith of Christ, which the Author of Faith Jesus gave all of us to keep as our faith in Christ to live by (Gal.2:20, 3:11, 3:22-26, 5:6, 2 Cor.4:13, James 2:1, 1 John 5:4, 2 Tim.4:7, Rev.2:13, 14:12, Authorized King James). Have this mind of Christ when you see our faith in God's Word. For there is only "One Faith" that we can come to, and receive as the gift from the Author of Faith Jesus, and keep in our saved hearts as our faith in Christ to live by, which is the one precious faith of Jesus (Eph.2:8, 3:12, 4:5, 2 Pet.1:1, Rom.10:17, Heb.12:2, Authorized). 

World, the promise of God's TRUE New Testament Textus Receptus Greek into English Authorized King James Word is the ONE precious faith "OF" Jesus Christ, which is the Lord's same SPIRIT of faith might be GIVEN as the Author of Faith God's GIFT in unsaved hearts to author or begin the sinner's saving faith in Christ Jesus, which is "THE FAITH" we "KEEP" in our saved hearts brethren as "your faith," as "my faith" and as "our faith" in God to live by. Such is the simplicity of God's True Textus Receptus gospel of Christ, that does not DENY the one precious faith "OF" the Son of God. Church, have this mind of Christ when you see "your faith," and "my faith" and "our faith" in God's preserved Word, which does NOT say
​I kept my faith in Jesus; but I kept THE faith "OF" Jesus!

(Eph.2:8, 3:12, 4:5, Gal.2:20, 3:22-26, Rev.2:13, 14:12, James 2:1, 2 Cor.4:13, 2 Tim.3:15, 4:7, Heb.12:2, KJB)     

God's True New Testament Textus Receptus Greek into English Authorized King James Word, which is God's True Gospel of Christ that does not deny the one precious faith OF the Son of God says we have access to God by the one faith OF Jesus Christ (Eph.3:12, 4:5, Gal.3:22). For the Author of Faith Lord authors His same spirit of faith (which is the one faith OF Jesus Christ) as His gift in unsaved hearts to author or begin the sinner's saving faith in Christ Jesus (2 Cor.4:13, Gal.3:22, 3:26, Eph.2:8, Heb.12:2). 

Saved saints in the Author of Faith Christ have the faith OF our Lord Jesus Christ and KEEP the faith OF Jesus (which is the Lord's same spirit of faith working in and through all of our saved lives by love). God's True Word calls this the faith OF the operation of God and the faith OF God that Jesus Christ is operating in and through our saved lives, as our Finisher of Faith God (James 2:1, Rev.14:12, 2 Cor.4:13, Gal.5:6, Rom.3:3, Heb.12:2).

This is why God's True Word says the just shall live by the faith OF the Son of God (Gal.2:20, 3:11). For church, we cannot live by any other faith as God's post-cross New Testament believers. For there is only one faith OF Jesus Christ that is come (Gal.3:23-25), which is the Lord's same spirit of faith working in and through all of our saved lives by love, being THE faith OF Jesus Christ that we KEEP in our saved lives as our faith in God to live by. And the one faith OF Jesus, which is the Lord's same spirit of faith now indwelling our saved lives GIVES our saved hearts the substance or full assurance of things hoped for, and the evidence or full confidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1, 2 Cor.4:13, Rev.14:12, James 2:1, Gal.2:20, 3:11).

God's last 100% Textus Receptus Greek into English Authorized King James Word that is still widespread in print today fully preserves, reveals, and earnestly contends for the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.

But all of the antichrist Vatican's 1881 onward Vaticanus/Sinaiticus-based no faith of Christ leavened perversions of scripture departed from the faith of Jesus by giving heed to Satan's seducing "There is no one faith of Jesus Christ" spirit of error (1 Tim.4:1), and they are Lucifer's "There is no one precious faith of the Son of God" lying doctrine of the devil. And they earnestly deny the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ in some or all verses, and they deceived their followers to also earnestly deny the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ in their entire Christian life. Rather than Christians contending for the faith of Jesus by preaching, teaching, and sharing the one precious faith of the Son of God truth to others in the pulpit of their Christian life.

Church, is this enough of their evil fruit for you to depart from that which departed from the faith of Christ? For Jesus, the Author of Faith God is calling the Lord's worldwide blood-bought English church to return to following God's True New Testament Textus Receptus Greek into English Authorized King James Protestant Bible that is still protesting against all of the antichrist Vatican's 1881 onward Vaticanus and Sinaiticus-based no faith of Christ leavened versions that departed from the faith of Jesus.

So God's people can see, study, and earnestly contend for the faith of Jesus Christ by them preaching, teaching, and sharing the one precious faith of the Son of God truth to others in their Christian life. For church, God wants all of us to come in the unity of the faith of the Son of God (Eph.4:13) and earnestly contend for (not earnestly DENY, but earnestly contend FOR) the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. By picking up God's True New Testament Textus Receptus Greek into English Authorized King James Sword of the Spirit. So we can SEE the faith of Jesus TRUTH of God's True Word. And we share the one precious faith of the Son of God TRUTH to others in our Christian lives. The Author of Faith Jesus has revealed His faith truth to you from His preserved Word. It's between you and the Lord if you accept or reject His True Word today - and the Lord Jesus Christ will justly judge us all on Judgment Day. God BLESS you!